जमीन खरेदी करताय?
७/१२ वरील जमीन नकाशावर शोधा
प्रॉपर्टी मालकांसाठी खासगी डिजिटल सेवा

Instant 7/12 Survey map / Gav Nakasha

While buying the land quick verification of the land is necessary. It is very essential that land being shown to you and its 7/12 document & Gav Nakasha are matching.

Knowing boundaries of the land is very important. helps you to locate the land boundaries on map from its 7/12 number instantly for lands located in Maharashtra.

It also works in reverse manner, you can find the 7/12 survey number of the land from its location.

Land report costs you very little but it saves future encumbrances. 

Using 7/12 number find land map

Select your District, Taluka, Village & Survey Number and get the map of the land on Map.

You will get the boundry of that land and surrounding lands. You can adjust the boudry to match with physical features.

You will also get the tabular information of plots surrounding your plot which is very crucial information to be put in a sale deed. 

Using location (Lat,Lon) find 7/12 Survey number of the land

Many times it happens that we do not know the land survey no. of the particular location.

Using app you can get the 7/12 survey number of the land from Location.

This will be very helpful in getting ancesterial property documents.

Measure area of plot & calulate distance between two points

Select the plot location on the map. You can measure area of the plot and distance between two points. Measured area is available in different units such as Hectare, Acre, Gutha, Sq. meter & Sq. Foot.

You can save this measured area & length for future use. This is very useful in measuring actual area of the land and comparing it with the area mentioned in 7/12 document.

This is very useful to estimating the pole requirement in fencing. Estimating electrical wire length between two points & material estimation for construction of the road.  

Unit Coverter Hectare, Acre, Guntha, Sq. meter

Many times different regions have different popular land area measurement units. In Konkan region Guntha is very much popular. This creates confusion among land buyers. app has a free tool named 'Unit Converter'. Using this tool you can easily convert the area into a desired unit instantly.

Using this tool you can also convert length units among Meter, Foot, Inch & Centimeter easily. 


Civil Compass

You can use this tool to check the direction of the plot. For building the house or for the plantation we need this special type of compass. Using this compass you can plot markings on the ground.  


✔ Using 7/12 number find land map in Maharashtra

✔ Using location (Lat,Lon) find 7/12 Survey number of the land

✔ Measure area of plot & calulate distance between two points

✔ Unit Coverter Hectare, Acre, Guntha, Sq. meter

✔ Civil Compass


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001, Ground Floor, Qilla Height, Opp. Navi Mumbai Mahanagar Palika,
Palm beach road, Killa, Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400614

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10:00 - 18:00

Hundreds of Happy Users

हे खूपच उपयोगी आहे. मी टॅक्टर व्यवसायी आहे मला शेतकऱयांच्या जमीन मोजण्यास खूप मदत होते. धन्यवाद


Prashant Patil


Very helpful app and details within minute for time consuming activity like visiting govt office for area map and all. 


Pooja Dhanuka


A word of caution: is NOT an official publication of any government body. Information may not be 100% accurate. This information is for indicative purpose and is not usable for any legal purposes. Any use by anyone shall be at their own risk and cost.